
How Long Does It Take To Learn How To Draw

How Long Does It Take To Learn How To Draw

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No artist become great overnight. There is simply no artist who became masters at drawing without learning first. So if you have your heart set on becoming a world renowned artist, you must have the will, resources, and patience to learn. And like many aspiring artists, you probably are wondering how long does it take to learn how to draw. Well, the answer to that question is a simple yet complicated: “it is up to you”.

All in your hands

There is absolutely no exact timeframe as to how long you can be a great artist. You and only you can determine the amount of time to learn drawing, and you can do that by living the process. Of course, you can set a timeline, but unless you give up everything to focus entirely on drawing, there is no hundred percent guarantee that you can accomplish it. Remember that art is art. It cannot be pushed or pressured. You simply need to take action to learn, and get inspiration from your surroundings.

Factors affecting timeline in learning to draw

You need to understand that no matter how dedicated you are in your drawing lessons, there are factors that can potentially sway you from your goals. In acknowledging that these factors exist, you can find a balance in your life without sacrificing one for the other.


If you are already a working professional and wants to be an artist, then you should understand that it could take you longer to learn how to draw. You need to give your complete focus on work during work hours, so that leaves you rest days and after work to practice drawing. But, never let your drawing lessons interfere with your work. Remember that you have bills to pay.

Social Life

Your social life can deter you from perfecting your drawing skills. Instead of learning how to do your outlines and shading, you could be tempted to go out and party with your friends. Refuse the temptation and focus on your drawing. Your social life will always be there after you finished learning how to draw.


It goes without saying, family comes first. Give time to your family, but allocate enough time for your dreams to be an artist. You can combine your family and drawing by making your family the subject of your drawings. Or you can ask for their assistance in finding you objects to draw. Involve your family in your passion so you do not have to choose.

How to increase your learning curve

Every artist has different ways of learning, and they vary in the time it takes for them to completely learn how to create a drawing. Your learning curve is different from your friends’, and the rest of the world. But, you can look for ways to cut down the typical time of learning. Let us look at some tips on how you can learn to draw faster.

Learn different types of drawing

There are different kinds of drawing, and understanding each type reduces the time it takes to learn how to draw. Knowing the drawing types can also help you figure out exactly what kind of drawing you want. And by determining your passion, you can focus your studies of drawing on that particular drawing type. Therefore, you will not waste time trying to test different styles just to find your inner desires.

  • Sketching – a freehand drawing that is not completely finished.
  • Life drawings – they are also called figure drawings, and they are done through actual observations. For example, a human figure.
  • Fantasy drawing – these drawings contains themes in a supernatural, magical, or visionary sense.
  • Perspective drawings – pen and paper drawings using 2D or 3D viewpoint sketches.
  • Geometric drawings – they require the use of dimensions, and usually created in the construction industry.
  • Illustrative drawings – visual drawing of a document or text in a realistic, technical, or expressive manner.
  • Emotive drawings – these drawings exemplify emotions, feelings, and moods.

Practice daily

They say that constant practice makes you perfect in your chosen field. That is quite true when it comes to learning how to draw. In a daily basis, engage in drawing exercises that involves basic shapes. Practice your outline and contour skills until you can draw an object with your eyes closed. The secret of curtailing your learning timeframe in drawing is your commitment to observe and understand every nook and cranny of your subject. Once you are very familiar with your subject, you can draw them easily and learn from your work.

Join in a drawing course online

Learning to draw on your own is fun and exciting, but it is better to have some professional guidance in your learning process. You have the option to join an online drawing course which may take a couple weeks to a few months to complete. This method is convenient especially if you have no time to go an actual art school, and you need to learn in a short amount of time.
Drawing courses inclusions:

  • Access to online videos about drawing
  • Drawing eBooks
  • Art Academy Diploma for course completion
  • Personal drawing coaching
  • Lifetime membership

Enroll in art school

If you strongly believe that drawing is the career for you in the future, then enroll in an art school. You will learn all things about drawing in your classes. By taking this route, it could take three to five years for you to graduate and have an arts degree.

Final say

Drawing can be learned in different timeframes, mostly depending on your availability and means of learning. However, even if you have finished a course, you must continue learning. You can learn from your actual job of drawing, or from indulging in your drawing hobby. Never stop evolving in your craft, especially when the art world rapidly changes for the better every year. Be spontaneous, be creative, be imaginative, and use everything you have learned to further your knowledge.

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